Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

… data must be reclaimed from corporate gatekeepers and managed as a collective good by public institutions.
When I read this I recalled the massive amount of personal data held by Google, Facebook and others, far more than collected in traditional BMD and census resources of the government. Why is that data not being archived and, eventually, released for historical and family history research?

Tales from the Parish Chest: bastardy in early modern north-Essex

Sir Walter Scott
Today marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of Sir Walter Scott, one of Scotland’s most famous authors. Read the blog post from the National Library of Scotland.

How the Argyll papers can support your family history research

Plagues and classical history – what the humanities will tell us about COVID in years to come

Why eye-catching graphics are vital for getting to grips with climate change

Tortured phrases’ give away fabricated research papers

Thanks to this week’s contributors: Anonymous,
Dena Palamedes, Nick Thorne, Unknown.

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