Internet Genealogy: June/July 2021

Here’s the table of contents for the new issue.

Researching English Criminal Ancestors
Michelle Dennis presents the evidence used to reveal the life and fate of her criminal ancestor

Written in Stone: Accessible Online
David A. Norris looks at online sources for locating gravestone inscriptions for ancestors who served

Research on the Run? Try MobileFamilyTree!
Tony Bandy reviews Synium Software’s mobile app for family research

Searching For Florida Ancestors?
Leslie Michele Derrough recommends online
resources available at the State Library and Archives

A Web of Oral History
Sue Lisk looks at online collections of oral histories and why they can be valuable to family historians

Immigrant Colonies of North Carolina
Diane L. Richard examines the period of the late 19th and early 20th century

Exploring City Directories Online in England and Wales
Ed Storey offers suggestions for researching your ancestors from across the pond

The Stories of General Stores
Sue Lisk suggests online sites that help you understand how general stores played a role in our ancestors’ lives

Deciphering Elusive Surnames
David A. Norris looks at coping with troublesome handwriting and smudged letters

Internet Genealogy looks at websites and related news that are sure to be of interest

Back Page: Perils of Deciphering Old Handwriting
Dave Obee says be flexible in interpreting the results of document translations

Go to where you can click an underlined heading to preview the first page of an article (except one-pagers)!


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