British Historical Newspaper Pages for FREE

In partnership with the British Library, Findmypast now has over a million newspaper pages free to search and view, with more than 2.7 million additional free pages to come over the next four years.

There are currently 158 free newspapers on offer, dating from 1720 to 1880 and covering a diverse array of histories, locations, and topics.

Highlights from the collection include:

Barbadian (1822-1861) – a fascinating Caribbean publication that covers the transition of Barbados from the colonial, pre-modern to the modern era, including the Emancipation (1834), and the end of the apprenticeship system (1838)
British Emancipator (1837-1840) – an anti-slavery newspaper that fought for the abolition of the system of apprenticeship, which was put into place after slavery was abolished in the British Colonies
British Miner and General Newsman (1862-1867) – a journal devoted to working miners, which went through a number of titles including The Miner, The Workman’s Advocate, and The Commonwealth
Cobbett’s Weekly Political Register (1803-1836) – a famous and hugely information-rich vehicle for the ideas and opinions of the great nineteenth-century radical William Cobbett
The Examiner (1808-1880) – a leading radical weekly, edited by Leigh Hunt, with contributors including William Hazlitt, John Keats, and Percy Shelley
Illustrated Sporting News and Theatrical and Musical Review (1862-1870) – a lively, visually rich newspaper covering a wide range of sports and theatrical events, with many fine illustrations
Royal Gazette of Jamaica (1779-1840) – a West Indies newspaper notorious for its slavery advertisements
Lady’s Newspaper and Pictorial Times (1847-1863) – one of the earliest newspapers produced for an exclusively female audience
Morning Herald (1800-1869) – founded in 1780, a national daily that for a number of years rivalled The Times in importance
Poor Man’s Guardian (1831-1835) – the most successful and influential of the radical unstamped (and thus illegal) newspapers of the early 1830s
Sun (1801-1871) – a daily evening national newspaper, founded in 1792, originally with pro-government and anti-French revolutionary stance, before changing to advocate liberal and free trade principles.

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