Choose from free online events in the next six days. All times are ET except as noted. Those in red are Canadian, bolded if local to Ottawa or recommended
Assume registration in advance is required; check so you’re not disappointed.
Tuesday 6 Sept, 2 pm: Virtual Genealogy Drop-In, from Ottawa Branch of OGS and The Ottawa Public Library.
Tuesday 6 Sept, 2:30 pm: History at Your Fingertips: A Guide to Hoosier State Chronicles and Indiana Memory, by Justin Clark for Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center.
Register here.
Tuesday 7 Sept, 7 pm: I Just Can’t Get Enough of Eastern Europe, by Eva Kujawa for Durham Branch OGS
Wednesday 8 Sept. 7:15 pm: Mixing DNA with a Paper Trail, by Penny Walters for York Branch OGS.–tqTstG9G1d5LmX4hia49Ep9oPlnl4
Wednesday 8 Sept, 8 pm: Tracing Your 20th Century English Ancestors, by Paul Milner for Legacy Family Tree Webinars.
Thursday 9 Sept, 6:30 pm: Moving Beyond Hit or Miss Genealogy to a Genealogical Plan, by Pat Stamm for Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center.
Register here.
Friday 10 September, 10 am: Webtember presentations from Legacy Family Tree Webinars. See the full program at
Friday 10 Sept, 7 pm: That Bubblin’ Crude: Early Oil in Kent County, by Deanna Bullard for Kent Branch OGS
Saturday 11 Sept, 9:30 am: Launch and Tour of BIFHSGO’s New Website, by Sheila Dohoo Faure for BIFHSGO.
Saturday 11 Sept, 10 am: The Paulin(e) Family Reunion: Taking Family Research to the Family, by Gilliam Leech for BIFHSGO.
Saturday 11 Sept, 10 am: Cross-Border Cousins: Tip-toe Through Canadian Records, by Steve Fulton for London Middlesex Branch OGS
Saturday 11 Sept. 11 am: Victoria County Histories, by Caroline Gurney for International Society for British Genealogy and Family History
Saturday 11 Sept, 1 pm: Dr. William Arthur Rupert Michell (1879-1966), by Karen Prytula for Ottawa Branch OGS
Sunday 12 Sept. 2 pm: Finding your Female Ancestors in Upper Canada, by Linda Corupe for Halton-Peel Branch OGS
19 – 26 September 2021: BIFHSGO Conference. Irish Lines and Female Finds: Exploring Irish records, female ancestors and genetic genealogy.
I’m sure by now everyone else has told you that September the 6th was a Monday. It didn’t matter to me as I didn’t get this until the 7th. Thanks for bringing these events to my attention. Too bad there is a conflict on the 11th of September as I’d like to attend both.