Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

Sunny Ottawa
The blog post Wikipedia’s Climate Data on an Interactive Map links to a facility where you can easily find climate data worldwide. Di you know that Ottawa has more annual hours of sun than the surrounding communities?

Society of Genealogists Family Trees

Whatever the politicians say, keep wearing a mask.

Online meetings have problems too!
In a previous blog post, I  pointed to the advantages of online rather than in-person meetings. When I looked out of my window on Saturday and saw the snow that had fallen overnight it seemed like another positive for online. Then at 9 am when the BIFHSGO meeting started we were informed that there was a power outage at the speaker’s home. Sad, but a power cut can occur anywhere and at least we didn’t have to drive to a meeting location only to find there was a power cut there!

Anglo-Celtic Roots: Spring 2022
The new issue is now available in the Members Area of the BIFHSGO website. Remember to log in first, click on the Membership tab, select Members Area and then click on Anglo-Celtic Roots. Don’t miss my exciting Cream of the Crop column so you have something to talk about around the water cooler!

The Really Useful Podcast from the Family History Federation this month is on Newspapers —

Thanks to this week’s contributors. Ann Burns, Anonymous,  Brenda Turner, C, Graham, Dave Mullington, Don Ross, Family History Finds, Gail B., Glenn Wright, Jean, jon ackroyd, Ken McKinlay, M. Anne Sterling, Marilyn Astle, Maureen Guay, Melissa, Teresa, Toni, Unknown.


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