Here’s the lineup for the new issue, on sale on 12 April.
COVER: Genealogist, Beware!
Robbie Gorr warns of scams targeting genealogists and how you can avoid being the target
English & Irish Nonconformist Records
Michelle Dennis looks at records left by those who rejected the Established Church of England
Genealogy NFTs
Lisa A. Alzo discusses transitioning from family heirlooms to non-fungible tokens
Diane L. Richard looks at an evidence-based application to create family trees
The Future of Genealogy Conferences
Lisa A. Alzo looks at futuristic possibilities for hosting family history meetings and events
Hidden in Plain Sight
Sue Lisk says don’t pass over information you think is unimportant!
Selkirk and His Settlers
Christine Woodcock examines the life of Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of Selkirk
Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts (MESDA)
Diane L. Richard reviews a fascinating resource covering a wide range of professions relating to the arts
Finding “Hidden Lists”
David A. Norris offers tips on how to better utilize the information found in lists
The Women’s Institute and the “Tweedsmuirs”
Sue Lisk looks at a valuable resource for genealogists with Canadian roots
How Do You Tell Your Stories?
A new regular column by Rick Voight about telling your family stories
Unusual, but Useful Record Sets at FamilySearch
Karen L. Newman looks at business and commerce records at FamilySearch
Internet Genealogy looks at websites and related news that are sure to be of interest
Genealogy Begins with a Question!
Experts from the Allen County Public Library’s
Genealogy Center offer tips based on questions
they receive from visitors.
Back Page: What’s in a Name?
Tell Your Stories… Now! Dave Obee stresses the importance of preserving your own stories for future generations,
A preview of the first page of longer articles is linked at
Looks like a bumper issue for me – often the articles are so American-focussed, I don’t find much to read with great enthusiasm.