Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

Did you ever see something like this? It’s a list of issues of the publication Zephyr at Seemingly a script runs to change 1981 to nineteen eighty one on some of my computers. Strange.

Internet Archive additions for May

Ancestry adds Edinburgh, Scotland, Extent Rolls, 1580-1847
Extent rolls were tax documents comprising information about rental owners’ properties. 714,184 records.

How do you pronounce scone?

From the Ottawa Journal, Oct 1966

0 TB of data online.

From the LAC website, 3 June 2022
Open to the public Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm —Reservations, assigned for morning or afternoon blocks required two weeks in advance, the rush for seats starts at 10 am ET on Mondays.

Masses of data online, only a few percent of holdings.

Royal Hospital Chelsea, by Dan Cruickshank
The story of the Royal Hospital, one of the architectural wonders of London and home of the much-revered, scarlet-coated Chelsea Pensioners. 2006 publication. Comment by BT: Terrific book! Terrific photography too.

See also 

A reminder that the Annual General Meeting of the British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa is next Saturday, 11 June, at 9 am,  followed at 10 am by a Great Moments session. The Ontario Genealogical Society AGM will be held from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm. Both are through Zoom

Thanks to this week’s contributors. Anonymous, Brenda Turner, Elizabeth Vincent, Gail B., Glenn Wright, Ken McLeod, Linda Reid, Mary Burns, Patti Mordasewicz, Teresa, Toni, Unknown.

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