Awards and Responsibilities

BIFHSGO and OGS both had AGMs on Saturday.

Newly appointed to the Hall of Fame were Kathy Wallace and Sheila Faure Dohoo.

Awards were given to Mags Gaulden for best presentation by a member, David Jeanes for best educational presentation, and Anne Renwick for best article in Anglo-Celtic Roots.

The Board has new members: Dianne Brydon – President; Anne Coulter – membership; and Patricia Grainger – at large; together with those continuing their terms. Thanks to departing President – Duncan Monkhouse (who stays as Past President), Past President – Barbara Tose, Membership – Anne Burns and Lynne Baxter – Education.

The award for best “Bricks and Mortar website” went to Kawartha Branch with honourable mentions to Leeds and Grenville, and Oxford County Branches. Best “Virtual Website” went to the Irish Palatine SIG with an honourable mention to the Ireland SIG.
The award for the best newsletter went to Sudbury Branch’s Ancestor Hunting, with honourable mention to Kingston’s Relative Roots.
A citation of recognition was given to Nancy Trimble, and an award of merit to Huron County Library.
A community service award went to Catherine Bechard, and a genealogical essay prize (student) to Camryn Ruthven.

The newly elected President is Heidi Deschenes. Vice-President is Paul Goodyear, Directors-at-Large are Heather Oakley, Kathryn Lake-Hogan, Colleen L’Abbé, Ben Dawson, together with those continuing their terms.

Departing President (staying as Past President) is Heather McTavish Taylor and departing Past President Steve Fulton.

I hope I got those correct. Please let me know of anything missing or needed changes.


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