Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

Inside the Vault: Vinegar Syndrome
A blog post from Arnprior & McNab/Braeside Archives

Using New Tech to Investigate Old Photographs

Book Review: Letters of the Lost Franklin Arctic Expedition is a significant addition to the Franklin canon

6 Basic Strategies for Searching on™

Meanwhile, in Ottawa, anxieties are still running high as a mysterious pro-”freedom convoy” group sets down roots in a deconsecrated church. Scroll a little over halfway down at

From Imperialism to Postcolonialism: Key Concepts

Thanks to this week’s contributors: Anonymous, Brenda Turner, Christine Jackson, Donna Jones, Gloria Tubman, Ken McKinlay, Mary Bronson, Mike More, Teresa, and Unknown.

One Reply to “Sunday Sundries”

  1. The meanwhile in Ottawa post sure got me thinking John. I had sincerely believed that Canadians were completely different from Americans and would never fall for that trumper “alternate facts” stuff. But many had and it frightened and saddened me. And then February happened here. Huge trucks were on streets close to me, driving at full power on narrow suburban steets honking over and over threatening cars.
    I had to conclude that we had our own homegrown red necks here after all. And they are a threat. That’s fersure.
    BTW, I was at the Waba Cottage, a rebuilt stone cottage originally built for the Last Laird of McNab Township, and going through the info at Waba in Braeside not long ago. Scary fellow too. Cheers anyway, BT

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