This week’s online genealogy events

Choose from free online events in the next five days. All times are ET except as noted. Those in red are Canadian, bolded if local to Ottawa or recommended. Assume registration in advance is required; check so you’re not disappointed.

Tuesday 6 September 2 pm: OGS Ottawa Branch Virtual Genealogy Drop-in.

Tuesday 6 September 2:30 pm: Pass Down More Than Just Things, by Heather Nickerson for Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center.

Tuesday 6 September 7:30 pm: Ontario’s Records of Inheritance on Family Search, by Jane MacNamara for Durham Region Branch OGS.–pqj0uH9Z0C4Smfgs7zfITp24W0Ogi

Tuesday 6 September 10 pm: Shackles, shekels and shrapnel: the exodus to the Southern seas, by Michelle Patient for Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

Wednesday 7 September 2 pm: mtDNA and YDNA in 2022, by Diahan Southard for Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

Wednesday 7 September 7:30 pm: What language are they speaking in Zurich? by Gary Flaxbard for Huron County Branch OGS.

Thursday 8 September 6:30 pm: Using technology to preserve, cherish and share family memories and stories, by Chris McDowell for Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center.

Friday 9 September 10:15 am: Delivering the Mail: Records of the United States Post Office, by Michael L. Strauss for Legacy Family Tree Webinars Webtember.

Friday 9 September 11:30 am: What’s Next When You Are Told Those Records Were “Burnt up”, by J. Mark Lowe for Legacy Family Tree Webinars Webtember.

Friday 9 September 12:45 pm: An introduction to Filae: the largest source of French archives, by Emmanuel Condamine for Legacy Family Tree Webinars Webtember.

Friday 9 September 2 pm: Understanding and Using Scottish Kirk Session Records, by Paul Milner for Legacy Family Tree Webinars Webtember.

Saturday 10 September 10 am: Laughlin McKinnon, by Suzanne Lesage for BIFHSGO. Preceeded by an Open Mic session at 9 am. Hybrid event. In person at Knox Presbyterian Church (Lisgar & Elgin) in Geneva Hall.

Saturday 10 September 10 am:  From the Vault II: A Look Beyond the Photos. by Jennifer Grainger for London-Middelsex Branch OGS.

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