1939 Register of England & Wales
About 65,000 new records have passed the required 100-year mark and have been unredacted in this latest rolling release.
FMP holds the most up-to-date version of the 1939 Register, which dates to 29 September 1939.
Ireland: Licences to Keep Arms, 1832-1836
A new collection from a parliamentary report includes those who were granted a licence to bear a weapon (either a firearm or a sword) by their local magistrate. The records normally include a name, their residence, brief details of the licence, and the magistrate. Check the original image for additional details on the wepons, such as “Two guns, one pistol and one bayonet”, “One gun”, “One single-barrelled fowling-piece.”
Wow!ย 600,000 new pages have been added this week, comprising of 19 new titles and 152 updated titles.