The new Bytown Pamphlet Phyllis Turner Ross – Career Woman and Single Mother has a title it would be easy to gloss over until you twig to the fact that Turner refers to former Canadian prime minister John Turner.
The pamphlet is in two parts.
First, Paul Litt recounts the influence the extraordinary Phyllis Turner Ross had on the formative years of the future prime minister.
Then, Christine Jackson, recounts her search for records that challenge and augment what is commonly understood about Phyllis Turner’s pre-Ottawa years.
A mystery remains.
Thanks for this link, John. It is fascinating reading, especially Christine Jackson’s genealogy research. It is hard to believe that an educated family with an interest in history wouldn’t have delved into their own family origins. It will be interesting to see whether cousins of varying degrees show up in various databases.
I recently read Steve Paikin’s bio of John Turner, and cannot recall any deep dive into his family history. Too many books, so little time, but it might be worth someone from Otttawa taking a look at this book.