Westmorland Baptisms
Find 56,692 new transcriptions with full name, baptism date, the place and both parents’ first names. You may also find the father’s occupation and address.
Westmorland Marriages
An additional 62,286 transcriptions added from the 1500s to the 20th century. You can typically expect to learn a name, age and residence, as well as the spouse’s name, age and residence. Some records also list a father’s name.
Westmorland Burials
Find 128,779 new transcriptions for burials between 1500 and 1900, with name, burial date, place, gender and perhaps a spouse’s name.
While the majority of these records are transcriptions, you’ll find register images for some of them.
For each, by a wide margin, the parish of Kendal has the longest time period of record and the most entries. Did people move there to get married, and then to die?