Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

Ontario Additions to
Highlights are in the Bradford area:
The Witness. 34,777 pages for 1880–1985
The Bradford Times, 29,042 pages for 1991–2017
Bradford West Gwillimbury Topic. 11,375 pages, 2007–2018

TheGenealogist has added over 5 million individuals to its
Residential and Trade Directories Collection with dates from 1744 to 1899. The new records cover England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and the Channel Islands, along with a few internationally.

The Byward Market and the First Golden Age of Jewish Life in Ottawa

What can we learn from the history of pre-war Germany to the atmosphere today in the U.S.?
Catch a live interview at 1 pm on Tuesday with author David Dyzenhaus, a professor of law and philosophy at the University of Toronto. Registration is free.

Ice storms, January downpours, heavy snow, no snow: Diagnosing ‘warming winter syndrome’

Fluke: chance, chaos and why everything we do matters by Brian Klaas for the LSE at 1:30 pm: Monday 29 January LSE.

Thanks to this week’s contributors: Anonymous,  Barbara May Di Mambro, Brenda Turner, gail benjafield, Gloria Tubman, Helen Gillespie, Joseph Denis Wayne Laverdure, Ken McKinlay, Margaret Dougherty, Maureen Guay, Nick Mcdonald, Robert Ross Halfyard, Sunday Thompson, Teresa,  Unknown.

2 Replies to “Sunday Sundries”

  1. Sadly, I don’t think the people who need to learn about how the history of pre-War Germany relates to what’s happening today will be interested in watching the lecture …

  2. John, fascinating. I even looked for evidence of the Bilsky famiy in Ancestry records, and learned lots more about them. Good for them !!!I think my interest was wetted by hearing of the sad passing away of Norman Jewison this week, who filmed Fiddler on the Roof, and one of the most hilarious flicks of all time, in my opinion, The Russians Are Coming The Russians Are Coming.

    I won’t wait for the U of T lecture, but I did read about pre-war Germany. And lots before this. Noted: Prequel, by Rachel Maddow, about how the far right grew and became powerful in the late 1930s in the US. Frankly, the possible re-election of the trumper and his crowd terrifies me. BT

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