Hidden Treasures: Canadian Military Records Seen and Unseen

If you have military ancestors, and who doesn’t, you’ll undoubtedly want to tune in to military historian-archivist Glenn Wright speaking at Saturday’s OGS Ottawa Branch monthly meeting. This is an online Zoom-only event. All Ottawa Branch monthly presentations are open to the public at no charge.

Researching a military ancestor in the 20th century takes us in many directions. From the service documents of First World War soldiers and nurses to war diaries of Canadian regiments that stormed the beaches of France on D-Day, we have a wide range of sources to document our men and women in uniform. Yet, there are records in archives, primarily Library and Archives Canada, that have been underused or not used at all. Better still – and this is the focus of the presentation — more than one hundred years after the end of the First World War, more personnel records are now available, and there is more to come.

When: Saturday 16 March 2024 at 1:00 PM Eastern Time.

Register in advance at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvfuusqT4rHtF9uLAvyyX_hfb3_KJsFo4l


One Reply to “Hidden Treasures: Canadian Military Records Seen and Unseen”

  1. I look forward to this. My recent book features a chapter about World War I relatives from Nova Scotia and New England who participated (or tried to participate) in the war effort. Personnel records, war diaries, and regimental histories were key sources in that project.

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