Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.
Male occupational structure of England and Wales 1381-2011
The shift from the primary (agriculture, forestry and fishing) to secondary (mining, manufacturing and construction) sectors happened earlier than previously thought.
When Online Content Disappears
38% of webpages are no longer accessible a decade later. What do you do to retain access to the information?
Find A Grave
Ancestry just updated the UK and Ireland version to over 20 million records, the Canada version is over 10 million.
Whose communities? Provincial funding support for community museums in Ontario
Thanks to this week’s contributors: Allison, Anonymous, Teresa, Unknown.
The lack of support for any cultural community organization, for which many volunteers serve is so important. Yet the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport is deeply lacking in commitment to cultural services, not just museums. Thanks for finding this article focusing on museums.