Here’s one I missed in Tuesday’s blog post.
TOPIC: Maps Useful in Tracing Family History
SPEAKER: Margaret (Peg) Mackle Kapustiak.
WHEN: Saturday, July 20, 2024 – 11 AM to 1 PM, Eastern Time (US & Canada)
WHERE: BIGWILL meeting via ZOOM, free to attend!
Peg Kapustiak’s topic will be “30 Different Maps, plus Using the Internet to Locate Maps Useful for Family History.” The past is not hidden; we see it every day, though we often do not even know it. Maps can unlock details about your family or lead you to new resources. Peg will help us explore various kinds of maps, look at details included and not included, and offer suggestions on locating maps for the British Islands, using various sources, including the Internet.
Register in advance for the Zoom meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. No registration is necessary for the live meeting at the Church.
Peg Kapustiak’s presentations and handouts are designed to provide you with extremely practical tips, ideas, links, and sources. She has been a genealogist and family historian for 46 years and has researched her family history in the Chicago area, the Midwest, New England, and New York state plus ten countries in both Europe and Asia, when she lived overseas. She has provided over 180 talks to organizations both nationally and internationally in the past 24 years, is the author of one book and 56 research articles and currently volunteers at five historical/genealogical organizations.