289 from the Newcastle District and later the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. In Upper Canada, after legislation in 1837 made fathers liable for the costs of raising such children, these oaths became much more common and were considered the first step in a legal battle.
The dates covered by the Newcastle District oaths are 1837-1850 and by the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, 1851-1861. The presentation will include examples of various types of oaths, as well as explanations of the procedures involved and the consequences produced by the swearing out of such an affidavit.
On Wednesday, 13 November 2024, at a Zoom event, Janet Few will speak on Sons of the Soil. Every family has them — ancestors who worked on the land. How can we find out more about them, the farms where they worked and the lives that
they led? This session covers a range of sources, many under-used, which help shed light on the working lives of our rural British ancestors.
Prior to those, the Society will hold its AGM in a hybrid meeting on Wednesday, 11 September 2024, at the Cobourg Public Library Rotary Room. Following the AGM, the meeting will be open to participants who want to share their discoveries and challenges over the past year.