This Week’s Online Genealogy Events

Choose from selected free online events in the next five days — very thin pickings this week. Things get going full steam next week.
All times are ET except as noted. Assume registration in advance is required; check so you’re not disappointed. Find out about many more, mainly US events at
Conference Keeper.

Tuesday, 27 August

10 pm: Using MyHeritage for Family History Research in Australia. by Shauna Hicks for MyHeritage and Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

2:30 pm: The Grosvenor Room: The Gateway to Buffalo Research, by Rhonda Hoffman for the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library.

2:30: History of Straits Settlement (Penang) and our family’s connection, by Karen de Bruyne for the Guild of One-Name Studies.

Wednesday, 28 August

2 pm: Using the Collaborate Tool at FamilySearch by Karen Clifford for Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

Thursday, 29 August

6:30 pm: Discovering More about Mystery DNA Matches, by Kelley Barrett for the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library.

Friday, 30 August & Saturday, 31 August

3 Replies to “This Week’s Online Genealogy Events”

  1. According to an email from Legacy Family Tree, the webinar “Using the Collaborate Tool at Familysearch” has been changed to Jan. 22 at 2 p.m.

  2. I am not sure about the 28 Aug 24 webinar. When I went to register, it stated the webinar was to be held on 22 Jan 2025.

    I am a great planner but at this stage of my life it is week to week and not year to year! LOL!

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