A Simple Way to Find Lot and Concession in Ontario

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs have a free online website, AgMaps, which makes it easy to find the lot, concession and township for any place just by zooming in on a map.

1. Browse to https://www.ontario.ca/page/how-use-agmaps

2. Read the information, and hit the Launch AgMaps button.

3. Wait for the licensing logo to turn to the disclaimer page.

4. Scroll down and hit the I accept button.

5. On the map that appears, zoom in on the place of interest. When you’ve scrolled in sufficiently, the outine of the lot will appear with the lot, concession, and township indicated. Make a note of it.

What can you do with that fantastic knowledge aside from assuage your curiosity? Maybe you’d like the history of the property. Check Ken McKinlay’s blog post Ontario Land Records: Where Are They Online? https://familytreeknots.blogspot.com/p/ontario-land-records-where-are-they.html and skip Part I.


4 Replies to “A Simple Way to Find Lot and Concession in Ontario”

  1. Instead of scanning the map to hopefully find the location one can also search for the location based on the township, concession, and lot by selecting Layers then Search by Location in the menu. This will display a drop-down menu where you can select from the list ‘Select a Township & Lot/Concession” and fill in the details to bring you to the place on the map.

    I’ve written how to do the same task but using the “Make a Topographic Map” tool. I describe how to use that tool in the blog post “Finding on the Ground: An Ontario Concession/Lot on a Map” at https://familytreeknots.blogspot.com/2021/07/finding-ontario-concession-lot-on-map.html

  2. I came across this way of finding lot, concession and township when trying to locate where a WW2 crash occurred with information that it was 2-1/2 miles south of the airport, with the farmer’s name given. That name on the 1921 census was west rather than south of the airport, and that person never owned the lot, so I needed to examine the land records of all lots that roughly fit the location. AgMaps allowed identifying possible lots.

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