Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.
Google Earth Timelapse
See how the landscape has changed since 1984.
Monday, 6 September, 7 pm. Genetic Genealogy: DNA Testing Tools & Tips, by Ben Dawson for Leeds and GrenvilleBranch OGS.
Scottish vs Irish Kilts: What’s the difference
Ancestry updates Surrey, England, Regimental Rolls and Recruitment Registers, 1914-1947, to 199,655 records.
London after the Fire, also, The Great Fire of London and the Privy Council
Der Klang der Offenbarung des Göttlichen
Relax for a few minutes. You could try playing it (several times) while working on the jogsaw
Jigsaw: City of London
Thanks to this week’s contributors. Ann Burns, Anonymous, Chuck Buckley, Ed Chadwick, Gail B, Gail R, Gary Barton, GeniAus, Glenn Wright, Judith H, KAYTHEGARDENER, Ken M, Nancy Cutway, Nancy Frey, Nancy Trimble, Patricia Abels, Teresa