LAC Deflection

“localized structural deflection” “no injuries” “removing the affected portion” “conducted in a controlled manner to ensure the continued safety of all staff, as well as the structural integrity of the project” de-construction.

Those terms, used in a notice posted on the LAC website, copied below, suggest this is more than a minor issue. Kudos to LAC for being open about it.

Project Update – September 13, 2021

PCL Construction can confirm that a localized structural deflection has occurred at the Library and Archives Canada construction site in Gatineau. There have been no injuries and the site has remained secure since the issue was discovered on September 9.

In response to the incident, PCL Construction is removing the affected portion of the exterior envelope to further investigate and determine the following steps. This removal is being conducted in a controlled manner to ensure the continued safety of all staff, as well as the structural integrity of the project. This de-construction will take place over the next few days and will involve the use of heavy machinery on site. This work is being done with the approval of Quebec’s Commission on Workplace Standards, Fairness, Health and Safety (CNESST).

Our investigation into the issue is ongoing, and the site will continue to be closed to all but essential staff.

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