The major article in the issue is Nineteenth-Century Migration: Salomon’s Story. Christine Jackson tells the story of her relative, a Dutch Jewish migrant to London and wheeler-dealer. Was moving from Amsterdam to the Tenterground of Spitalfield’s a move to better prospects? That’s what happened, although there’s a lot more to the story.
Heather Ashe tells her experiences of The Perils of Online Pedigrees, something we all experience.
Sheila Dohoo Faure continues the We Shall Remember Them series with information on three soldiers, from the German, French and Serbian armies who were treated and died at the Canadian No 1 Casualty Clearing Station.
Pam Cooper writes a book review of Scottish Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond by David Dobson; there’s a report on highlights of the 2021 BIFHSGO AGM and, an abbreviated Cream of the Crop column.
Christine Jackson filled in as editor so, together with her long article, she provided exceptional service to BIFHSGO for this issue.
I thoroughly enjoyed Christine Jackson’s article on Solomon’s story. Kudos to her.
J. Hilliker