Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

Leicestershire’s Thomas Cook archive goes online

If you read my blog via the daily email you may overlook the good information in the blogs linked in the right-hand column of They are
Genealogy à la carte
Irish Genealogy News
Scottish GENES

The London Gazette – revisited
Audrey Collins rarely posts on her blog. Worth a look.

Cherry-picking the Bible

What else do these prominent Canadian men have in common: Lester Pearson, Charles Caccia, Malak Karsh, Laurier LaPierre, Val Sears?

Thanks to this week’s contributors. Ann Burns, Anonymous,  Brenda Turner, gail benjafield, Margaret A Kipp, Maureen, Melinda McRae, Toni, Unknown, Wayne Shepheard.

One Reply to “Sunday Sundries”

  1. John, when I was 11 years old I was baptised within our Baptist Church in Westboro. They called it adult baptism. (Ahem) After it, my father claimed that because I had been baptised, I had to do everything he told me to do, and do it immediately. That was news to me. I asked how that came about. He told me it was in the Bible. So I read it. Cover to cover. I found the stories and genealogical data (commonly called the begats) fascinating, but I never found what my father claimed was in it.
    But I found plenty to rile him up. I would say, “so the Israelites were the good guys, right?” He agreed. Then I would point out how the Israelites had given over all their women and children as hostages to an opposing army, and they had all been slaughtered. He would roar “that’s not in there!” and I would assure him it was, and see here. Clearly he had never read the Bible.
    Then I tormented him with other stories for a long time.
    Because I could. Hee hee. Cheers, BT

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