With this 356,840 record collection newly added to MyHeritage, you can easily access these awards without searching on the Governor General’s website.
Records date from the year 1975 onwards and typically include the name of the individual, the place of residence, the award date and the award granted.
It does not include the one-sentence citation where available — to find that search at https://www.gg.ca/en/honours/canadian-honours/.
This is not the first (nor will it be the last) time that a subscription site uploads records that are freely available. Surely, there are records in archives, museums or elsewhere that researchers would benefit from, records that are unique, unusual and unavailable. Perhaps the pay sites should be looking a little harder and longer at what might be helpful for the family history and genealogy community and provide us with resources that are truly worth the purchase price.
Yes, it is frustrating to have additions that one already has access to and knows about—we hunger for newly digitized material from the 95% that isn’t online.
What MyHeritage, and the other companies, are doing is a convenience for those who overlook material in relatively obscure free sites.