Global Heritage Press published a flood of Canadian military history books by Kenneth G Cox in 2022. There are more to come early this year.
Documenting Your First World War Royal Flying Corps and Second World War Canadian Air Force Ancestors. $12.95
Documenting Your Canadian Ancestors who served in World War One (1914-1918) or World War Two (1939-1945) with the Canadian Navy. $12.95
Documenting Your Canadian Ancestor who Fought in Spain during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) $12.95
Documenting Canadian Military Personnel Who Were Prisoners of War During World War One or World War Two. $14.95
The War of 1812 in British North America, Searching for your Ancestor’s Elusive War Records. $16.95
Searching for Canadian Militia Records following the Fenian Threat and the Red River Expedition, 1866-1872. $14.95
Prices given are for pdf downloads.
Coming soon are:
Documenting Canadians Who Served During the North-West Rebellion (1885) in Western Canada
Documenting Canadians Who Served in South Africa During the Boer War (1899-1902)
Documenting Canadian ‘Voyageurs’ Who Served in the Nile Expedition (1884-1885)
BTW: in another military matter, 2 January is the anniversary of the birth of James Wolfe in 1727,