Internet Genealogy: April – May 2023

Here, as I’ve not yet read more than a couple of articles, is editor Ed Zapletal’s summary of the latest IG issue.

Welcome to our Spring 2023 issue!
We have a great line-up to offer, and we hope you enjoy it! Our cover feature in this issue is Irish Research by frequent contributor Joe Grandinetti. Ireland is rich in history, and Joe delves into the research of his Kielty ancestors in Ireland by including census, civil registration, church records, tithes, taxes, and tenancy, highlighting key Irish website resources along the way.
If you are researching your ancestors’ marriages pre-1850 in the U.S,, as well as Great Britain and many former British colonies, David A. Norris suggests you might encounter references to marriage banns and marriage bonds. David sheds light on what these are and why they were required.
Lisa A. Alzo is back and reviews We Are […], a new site for collating and showcasing shared family history.
In Walking Between the Worlds, Robb Gorr returns with a look at the challenges of Métis  genealogy.
In Like Pulling Teeth, Sue Lisk returns and investigates what dentistry was like for our ancestors. (Remember the belt-driven dentist drill!) In Sue’s second article, Beyond the “Goldilocks Zone™: Strategies for Seekers, she offers some guidelines to consider if you are not getting the search results you are expecting.
In On The Beat, Steve Ward looks at his own family and the contribution made to modern policing in the United Kingdom. Stephen L.W. Green is back with The Value of Including Friends with Family in Your Genealogy, a brief article discussing why it is important to include friends with family when doing your genealogy.

And don’’t forget to check out our regular columns: Genealogy
Questions, Photos & Genealogy, and Dave Obee’s Back Page (where Dave mentions he’s compiled information on the 1931 census, which will be released on 1 June, at

2 Replies to “Internet Genealogy: April – May 2023”

  1. Oooh – looking forward to David Obee’s roundup of 1931 census information. I have several patrons interested, and I am definitely looking forward to it for my personal research 🙂 This issue still hasn’t arrived at the library – hopefully soon!

  2. Remember the belt driven TREADLE POWERED dentist’s drill? The dentist would get it really spinning, then push it into the tooth until it ground to a stop and the drive arm flipped up … then repeat. I experienced it once during a power outage. And once was quite enough. Of course there was no freezing.

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