Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.
New Ancestry.com Feature Warns Users When They Might Want To Stop Sticking Noses Where They Don’t Belong From The Onion.
Name a country from its map outline guessing game.
South Australia Records
South Australia, Australia, Incoming and Outgoing Passenger Lists, 1845-1940 with 581,599 records and South Australia, Australia, Adelaide Hospital Admission Registers, 1841-1946 with 487,164 records, are the largest of six South Australia collections newly added to Ancestry
10 ways to find out what your house was like generations ago
Tracing Your Family History with the Whole Family
New from Pen and Sword
Supportive Home Automation to Help Seniors Age in Place
Accuracy of groundhog weather prediction
Better than the Farmers Almanac!
Thanks to this week’s contributors. Ann Burns, Anonymous, Barbara, Chris Madsen, Colleen Murray, Judy Humphries, Lori Scott, Lucy, rob bennie, Sheila, Teresa, Unknown.