The March issue is just out and available on PressReader. Four of the feature articles you may find of interest are:
Tailors, Dressmakers & Seamstresses
Adèle Emm looks at their lives and arduous working conditions in Victorian times.
The article quotes Thomas Hood’s poem Song of the Shirt that starts
With fingers weary and worn,
With eyelids heavy and red,
A woman sat in unwomanly rags,
Plying her needle and thread—
Stitch! stitch! stitch!
In poverty, hunger, and dirt,
And still with a voice of dolorous pitch
She sang the “Song of the Shirt.”
“Work! work! work!
While the cock is crowing aloof!
And work—work—work,
Till the stars shine through the roof!
It’s O! to be a slave
Along with the barbarous Turk,
Where woman has never a soul to save,
If this is Christian work!
The Birth Day Clue
Discover how your ancestors’ birth dates can hold the key to the past, in this issue’s Family Tree Academy search skills piece with David Annal. He delves into techniques to get around fabrications in the official records.
How to use kirk session records
Explore the lives of your Scottish forebears in glorious (& inglorious) detail with Richard Morgan.
Determining the origin of surnames
Why, how and when did surnames come into use? Calgary genealogist and author Wayne Shepheard investigates a 700-year history of family names.
Check out a longer list of contents here.
FYI the publication date for this issue is April 2022, and while the magazine website says it is on sale as of March 11, the digital version has not yet appeared on my local library’s collection. Guess I’ll have to wait a bit to learn more about my ancestors’ tailoring life.