Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week
Do we really live longer than our ancestors?
Lancashire, England, Police Staff Indexes, 1836-1937
A collection of 15,921 indexes was added to Ancestry this week.
The following are selected online events from TNA
The Bulletin and Persons Unknown
Two new audio dramas about the Irish War of Independence, inspired by official records. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-bulletin-and-persons-unknown-tickets-453912613847?aff=web
Christmas is a lusty fellow: The Georgian Christmas
Christmas as we know it was a mid-Victorian invention. So what came before?
Christmas in wartime
Throughout periods of war and conflict, people have found creative ways to celebrate the Christmas season.
Thanks to this week’s contributors: Ann Burns, Anonymous, Bob Corrigan, Chad, gail b., Glenn W., Nick Mcdonald, Teresa, Unknown,