Britain & Ireland, Naturalisations 1603-1700
This new collection of 12,959 records may help you discover if your ancestor became a British citizen in the 17th century. The collection is derived from the 413-page “Letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalization for Aliens in England and Ireland, 1603-1700”, edited by William Arthur Shaw. Documentary sources for denization are drawn from the Patent Rolls and a number of subsidiary sources including the Signet Office Docquet Book and the Privy Seals as well as the Patent Rolls of Ireland and span the period from the reign of James I, through the Interregnum and Restoration, up to around 1700. Shaw’s book was published by The Huguenot Society of London in 1911. The FMP collection provides an index linked to images.
Lincolnshire Baptisms
A further 231,796 baptisms have been added to this existing collection, spanning 1539 to 1922. You get a transcription and link to the original record image. The collection totals 2,630,292 entries with more to come — no 1877 entry for Justin James (Jimmy) Simpson yet!
National Burial Index For England & Wales
Another 10,401 transcriptions have been added to this record collection, for the county of Herefordshire between 1631 and 1812. These records, now totaling over 12 million, are published in partnership with the Family History Federation.
GOT to try that FMP stuff. Thanks John. Cheers, BT