Ireland, Select Catholic Marriage Registers, 1778-1942
Now updated with a total of 401,663 records, including images. The source is e-Celtic Limited, of Dublin. Still no sign of my lot!
Ireland, Ulster, Dissenters Petitions, 1775
New on Ancestry, this 4,683 item collection is an index of information drawn from a series of petitions sent to the Irish Parliament in 1775 in protest of a law enacted in 1774. . The index is searchable by name and place of residence. Images of the documents and the text of the petitions aren’t available. The index has information from every county except Fermanagh, and the most complete records were produced in counties Antrim and Down.
Londonderry Corporation Minute Books, 1673-1901
New on Ancestry, this collection contains images of 23 minute books for the Londonderry Corporation dated between 1673 and 1901. Records in this collection may include the following information:
Names of municipal officials
Dates of municipal meetings
Details about municipal meetings
Information about community development
They are browse only, no indexing.