Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

Cats, Dogs and Health

The Qualicum Beach Family History Society
Sadly, the Society will be dissolved at the end of 2024. In the final advertised event, on Wednesday, November 20, at 10 p.m. ET, Dave Obee will present on Destination Canada. The next nearest FHSs are Nanaimo, which hosts an online presentation by Glenn Wright on 18 November, and the Comox Valley Genealogy Group.

Ireland: Historic Maps and Data

Wolford Chapel
Despite its location in the English countryside, this chapel is the property of Ontario.

OGS Weekly Update
Just after 6 a.m. each Saturday, I look forward to receiving an email with the week’s news about OGS and other Ontario news. It’s an entirely free subscription here, and you can also access an archive of past issues.

Thanks to this week’s contributors: Ann Burns, Anonymous, Barbara Lavoie, Barbara Tose, Brenda Turner, gail benjafield, Glenn Wright, Gloria Tubman, Lois Logan, Paul Cripwell, Teresa, Unknown.

2 Replies to “Sunday Sundries”

  1. Wolford Chapel is well worth the visit if you are in the locale.

    Thank you John for another very informative and interesting week of updates.

    Best wishes


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