A little bird informs me that Findmypast will be moving the 1921 census of England and Wales to the regular subscription in January. I found no independent source.
Findmypast has a history of initially making exclusive databases available on a premium basis, capturing the consumer surplus from those anxious for information. That happened before with the 1911 census and the 1939 Register. The lower-cost makes examining those on outlying branches of the family tree, neighbours and associates affordable.
Wow – interesting… I imagine knowing that as soon as that exclusivity period ends in January ’25, Ancestry will make a bid for access. It will be interesting to see how long it takes for them to get it up and running.
This site indicates Ancestry will publish the 1921 census in the first quarter of 2025: https://www.whodoyouthinkyouaremagazine.com/feature/when-will-the-1921-census-be-available