Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

Presenters (l-r) Ann Burns, Nancy Higgins, Carol Annett, and Veronica Scrimger gave exceptional presentations at the BIFHSGO December meeting, which will be available on replay for BIFHSGO members shortly.

How Canada Should Respond to Trump

Here’s how to contact an Australian in 1946

Reflecting on AI in Genealogy: 2024’s Lessons and 2025’s Pathways
Steve Little’s summary from 50,000 ft at Legacy Family Tree Webinars – free until 20 December.

Thanks to this week’s contributors: Ann Burns, Anonymous, Brenda Turner, Dawn Kelly, Gail, Helen Gillespie, Nick Mcdonald, Teresa, and Unknown.

2 Replies to “Sunday Sundries”

  1. Thanks for publishing the article about Athens/Trump! I was going to say “John Reid for PM!” but I see it was written by someone else. 😉

    We are living in tough times and when you look at history, you can see where it all will end!

    On that note, Merry Christmas John!

  2. Wow. Love the article on how to respond to Trump. The gloves are on. I will share with others in my circle. Thank you Dan for this wonderful look at this modern dilemma. We may be nice people but we are resilient people and can stand up to a fight.

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