1921 Census on Ancestry

Now available with transcribed columns and an image of the original.

1921 England Census, 35,582,351 entries
1921 Wales Census, 2,692,705 entries
1921 Channel Islands Census, 90,127 entries
1921 Isle of Man Census, 60,387 entries

The contents of the transcription (for England) are: Name, Gender, Age (Years, Months), Relation to Head, Marriage or Orphanhood, Estimated Birth Year, Birth Place, Residence Date, Residence Street Address, Residence Place, Education (for children), Inhabited (Y/N), Parliamentary Division, Registration District, Registration District Number, Sub registration district, Sub Registration District Number,
Respondent (name), Enumeration District Name, Enumeration District (number), Schedule (number), Schedule Type Code, plus a list of Household Members giving Name, Age and Relationship.

Additional information on the form, but not transcribed, is about employment and occupation.


One Reply to “1921 Census on Ancestry”

  1. Interesting decision by Ancestry not to include the Plans of Division and the maps, as FMP did. The maps I can understand, but the Plans can be very helpful when trying to pinpoint a location.

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