Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

FindmyPast Weekly Update

Over a million parish records for Bedfordshire, transcriptions sourced from FamilySearch, are added
Baptisms — 459,413 parish baptisms as far back as the 16th century.
Marriages —  221,522 records from 1538 to 1881.
Burials —  360,442 burial records from 1451 to 1998.

Find additions to 68 newspapers in the past week.

The Old Farmer’s Almanac for January

This January, the mean temperature in Ottawa was -9.6C;  the OFA prediction of -8.0C was warmer than the actual and the long-term mean. Only four days had a maximum above freezing.

The OFA predicted 65 mm of total precipitation at Ottawa; the actual was 23.5 mm, outside one standard deviation.

Map of Early Modern London?

From the University of Victoria, a digital edition of the 1561 Agas woodcut map of London. It comes with a clickable list of “Locations by category,” which helps orient to present-day locations.

Connecting Weather and Personal Histories

Don’t miss it, on 6 February at 7 pm, hosted by the Ontario Genealogical Society. I will cover the impact of weather on living conditions, travel, farming, and significant weather events in Ontario. You’ll learn how to find historical weather records and understand their importance in family history research. The presentation includes captivating quotes from historical figures like Catherine Parr Traill and Samuel de Champlain, who describe the challenges posed by weather in their times.

For more information, and to register, go to

Thanks to Anonymous, Gail, Teresa, and Unknown for this week’s contributions.


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