Over 107,000 Manitoba birth index records from 1882 to 1922. Included are first name(s), last name, gender, baptism year, place, date of birth, date of registration, registration number, father’s first name(s), father’s last name, father’s birth place, mother’s first name(s), mother’s last name, mother’s birth place, parent’s married, mother’s marital status and administrative information.
Father’s information is often lacking.
Over 56,000 Manitoba marriage index records from 1882 to 1940. Included are first name(s), last name, birth place, marriage place, marriage year, spouse’s first name(s), spouse’s last name, gender, date of marriage, registration number and administrative information.
Strangely, there is no search by marriage year or date.
Over 76,000 Manitoba death index records from 1882 to 1952. Included are first name(s), last name, gender, date of death, age at death, place, registration number, administrative information.