Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.
Archive Jigsaws
Great seal The quill
The Proms
The 2021 season of “the world’s greatest music festival” is underway until 11 September. On Saturday I enjoyed Beethoven’s Eroica, but missed the first half of the prom. BBC Radio 3 streams each concert from the link above, just recall the times are BST, five hours ahead of EDT.
What You Can Do Today to Revitalize Your Productivity
The Trial of Agnes Waterhouse – Witchcraft in Essex, 1566
The lost history of the electric car – and what it tells us about the future of transport
The “Unremembered”
Gail B wrote that the August issue of BBC HIstory magazine has a fascinating story about the “many Indian, Egyptian and African troops” who have been ‘Unremembered’ by the CWGC.” She asks did this happen for Canadian visible minority deaths? Reading the CWGC response to a report on historical inequalities in commemoration here. I’m not aware Canada had any troops in the areas mentioned.
Genealogy News: a perspective from Down Under
Thanks to this week’s contributors: Anonymous, Brenda Turner, Gail B., Unknown.