Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.
Gresham College Lectures
A new season of lectures has started online with something for everyone.
Debrett’s goes digital
Nobility in the family history? Me neither! For 0.2% of the British population since 1769 there’s Debrett’s Peerage & Baronetage.
A Dataset of Cryptic Crossword Clues
This past week Ancestry updated eight of their Netherlands databases.
That Moment in Time
If this Sunday’s list looks a bit thin take a look at Crissouli’s weekly compilation.
Thanks to this week’s contributors. Anonymous, Basil Adam, Dena, Donna, Hugh Reekie, KAYTHEGARDENER, Maureen, Nancy Frey, Penny, rob bennie, Sheila, Teresa, Unknown.
I really love those jigsaw puzzles. You get one every week if you subscribe to the newsletter of the UK National Archives.