Writing My Past: 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks

Teresa, a frequent commenter on this blog, is a blogger herself at https://writingmypast.wordpress.com/. In her latest post, she’s taken up the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks challenge from Amy Johnson Crow, the first week on Foundations.

Teresa identifies six foundations, the most important of which IMHO is number 6 — have fun. You can sweat over proper formatting and citations, and may even revel in the polished look of the finished product, but don’t expect gratitude from your extended family. More often than not they’d prefer a family story. Do the research and writing for yourself, not for others. If they like it that’s a bonus.

When I saw the topic I immediately thought of house foundations which didn’t seem promising.  It’s the kind of challenge they give you at Toastmasters, so I hear. You draw a card from a hat with a word or two and have to give a two minute extemporanious talk on the topic.


One Reply to “Writing My Past: 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks”

  1. Thanks for featuring my post! I am honoured to receive such recognition…I too think #6 is the most important part of this wonderful journey that is tracing our ancestors…

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